Ellis Financial Advisory

Trusted advisor

to those looking to make smart financial decisions.

Jason Michael Ellis, Financial Advisor

Jason M. Ellis, ChFC®

For more than twenty years, I have served as a trusted advisor to those looking to make smart financial decisions.

Personally, through perseverance and a relentless pursuit of achieving goals, I have built a strong foundation for growth. I have learned the value of hard work integrity, and service to others from a young age. As a voracious reader of non-fiction, history, and the financial markets, I have learned that education is a lifelong pursuit and a pathway to making better decisions with better outcomes. Like compounding interest, it takes patience to see results, but before long those results lead to magnified returns. Along the way, I established roots and became active in my local community, Hoboken, where I have made a home with my wife and two young sons.

Professionally, I have the pleasure of developing lasting relationships with individuals and families that want to make the best financial decisions possible. Harnessing technology, we deliver complex financial plans in an easy to comprehend format that combines assets, liabilities, and cash flow to make educated decisions on retirement account distributions, claiming social security, managing income tax brackets, and transferring wealth in the most efficient ways possible. With the proper plans in place, investment objectives and allocations are determined and managed accordingly.

While my goal is to provide guidance to as many as possible, time prohibits exponential growth. Therefore, I selectively work with those who value having an advisor that provides concierge services today and make sure their loved ones and wishes are carried out when they are no longer with us.


Get in touch with Jason